Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's Fair Season!

Would you like to win a Flip video camera? What about an iPad? You could be the lucky one chosen because it's once again time for the Joplin Schools Annual Technology Fair!  All you have to do is sign up a few students from your class to showcase their awesome work on April 22nd from 5-7pm at the JHS 11/12 campus.

Because last year's changes were very effective, we are continuing with the categories of Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.  There will be elementary and secondary winners in each, and this year, we will be instituting a traveling trophy for the winners in each category.  There will also be random drawings for an iPad 1 and a Flip video camera.

Hurry! You'll need to get your entry submitted before April 15th to be included in the brochure!