Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Developing a Learning Network

How do we depend on networks in our lives?
How will you continue to depend on a network as professionals?

Technology changes so fast that it's hard to keep up with it.  As soon as you get used to one application, something new has taken its place.  Staying ahead of the curve can take a conscious effort.  

Many professionals use Web 2.0 tools to stay connected. You may hear this referred to as a "PLN," or Personal Learning Network. A popular one is Twitter, and recently, Pinterest has become a highly desired choice.  When choosing how you'll develop your Personal Learning Network, you need to consider what works for you and the time you have.  Here's a breakdown of each:


  • Online social network
  • There's an app for that
  • Short, concise information
  • Typically links to other sites
  • Sometimes has inspiring messages
  • Easy to follow leaders in Ed Tech
  • Online visual bookmarking service
  • There's an app for that
  • Easy to categorize information using boards
  • Links to other sites and blogs
Developing a solid PLN is a good way to stay in the know.  

Here's an example of how I use Twitter:
My Twitter Feed
My Twitter EdTech list (This is a custom list I made of Tweeters that specifically provide information I use regularly)

Here are links to my Pinterest boards dealing with education:

You must decide two things.  First, what are you looking for in a PLN? Do you want to keep up with innovators, cool sites, great leaders, or new tools?  What makes the difference is who you choose to follow.  Something else to remember is that it's important to contribute if you're wanting to learn from others. Taking but not providing won't get you far for long.

Before you build your PLN, decide what you're looking for.  Create a checklist of items you want to see from people (or companies) you'll follow to develop a PLN. This will be anything that you think will keep you in the loop with new technologies and/or ideas to use technology in the classroom.  Then, use the checklist to create your PLN.  You could choose to use a variety of social media, like Facebook or YouTube. This will help keep you abreast with new information and new technologies.