Friday, November 21, 2014

iPad Appaholic

A few years ago, my friend and fellow GCT, Brandon Wislocki, presented Appaholics Anonymous at FETC, and I had the pleasure of co-presenting with him. It was a lot of fun to throw out apps with a  quick review and then hear what apps others are using.

I quite often hear people say, "Tell me what apps I need." Although I don't think there's one right answer to that question, I have updated my go-to list. Truth is, the way each teacher uses an app is going to differ from class to class.

One thing I think we should do consistently, however, is look for apps that are not content specific, and instead are based around the four C's of creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. Creating instead of consuming has become a big focus for educators, and although there may be a plethora of apps designed to provide practice through games, flashcards, and the like, we need to focus on the ability to differentiate, personalize, and encourage critical thinking.

The apps in this Symbaloo are arranged with one each of the 4C's in a corner, and general tools for everyone in the middle. Feel free to add this to your mix, and share apps that may have been omitted!